The invention
- The problem to be solved:
Silicate granules and related products on the basis of glass waste recycle. Those glass
containing waste streams are converted into construction material components that are
otherwise considered useless and are deposited (dumped).
- Definition:
Geofil bubbles are manufactured via proprietary recycling technique of solid
wastes with high glass contents. Wastes can contain different organic and inorganic
components, other than glass too. Products are lightweight granules of 5-25 mm, primarily
dedicated for heat and sound insulation structures with a special feature of strongly
adhering to gypsum and concrete matrices.
- Application:
Heat and sound insulating plasters and layers; Heat insulating floor tiling
elements (in floor heating systems); Protecting bridges against freeze; Lightweight
concrete blocks; Sound bluster walls
- Advantages:
Rational use of natural resources (substituting mined basalt, sand, perlite, gravel,
etc.); Reducing waste damping; Heat insulating materials do render fire protection too.
- Stage of development: Scale: pilot plant;
Products: meet EU specifications in heat and sound insulating requirements
- Documentation available: Available upon
The inventor(s)
- Name(s): László HOFFMANN, István
Jalsowszky, Emma Hoffmann, Rita Rostás, Jenô Fehér, Zsolt Fejér
- Self introduction:
This invention is outcome of continuous R&D efforts of the above named group of
inventors in the frame of Geofil Ltd. We have launched and manage this company according
to ISO 9001 accreditation. We are highly committed to progress in environmental sciences
and have developed several, already operational technologies in the field of recycling
valuable inorganic material.
The protection
- Form: Patent application PCT (HU 99) 00017
- Priority: Nov. 12, 1998
- Countries where it is force:
Business intention: Patent transfer;
Planning; Implementing; Putting in operation; Technology transfer; Sourcing out.
- Name: László HOFMANN
- E-mail:
- Fax: +36 34317950
- Address: H-2800, Tatabánya, Alugyári út